5 Tips for Using Body Language in the Virtual Classroom

In the virtual classroom where you are likely not seen, your body language is a powerful business tool. It helps to drive engagement in your sessions. When you combine your verbal and nonverbal methods, you create a friendly and approachable atmosphere that supports collaboration by following these 5 tips below.

 Tip 1: Stretching 

Stretching is so important! It promotes circulation, increases oxygen to your muscles, and gives your body and mind a natural boost of energy. Take it slow, breathe through it, and hold the stretch before moving on. Allow your body to enjoy a few moments of tranquility and deep breaths prior to your session. It makes a huge difference in your vocal delivery and confidence. Or switch it up and have a mini-dance session, shaking off tension and stress as your body moves. Whatever works to get you warmed up and limber!

Try these stretches recommended by the Institute of Public Speaking.

Tip 2: Stand Up 

Stand up to maximize your presence, regardless of your visibility. Standing up gives you freedom to move around as needed. Just be sure there’s enough space for you to move around freely before you begin a session. If you need to sit, the same rules apply. There’s nothing more jarring than accidently bumping into or pushing something over mid-speech! 

Tip 3: Don’t Slump

Whether you choose to sit or stand, the way you carry your body affects your breathing patterns, which in turn affects your speech. No one wants to sound like a deflating bagpipe! Good posture opens up the airways, allowing your voice to be crisp, clear, and to resonate. It also reduces strain on your neck and shoulders. Let your upright position radiate through your tone and projected energy!

 Tip 4: Smile 

We’ve all heard smiling is contagious. It automatically changes the sincerity in your voice and influences the atmosphere around you. Like a yawn, smiling inspires imitation, evoking an emotional response. It’s hard not to return a smile when someone smiles at you. A french study found that we register on an unconscious level when we hear smiles in someone’s voice. Your participants make an immediate emotional assessment when they hear your voice, so make this impression a good one! 

Tip 5: Preparation and Practice

Preparation is a key to your success. Have all necessary materials available to you. You want people to remember your words, not your lack of planning. Your audience will hear everything on your end over audio, including any paper-shuffling. Set up your training area well ahead of your scheduled session and keep a glass of water nearby to help keep your voice clear and hydrated.

It’s helpful to practice your delivery in front of a mirror. This allows you to gain a sense of how you come across and how your movements aid or detract. Few love watching themselves in the mirror or engaging in public speaking, but your clients will thank you for this sacrifice! It will boost your confidence and increase your ability to connect with your audience.  

 Thoughtfully Integrated

Using confident, practiced and engaging body language elevates your virtual presentation and actively engages your learners. 

Contact Elsie to learn more about ways our team can empower you by incorporating the above techniques. We love hearing from you!

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